Page name: Insanity Cult! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-04-23 22:31:53
Last author: Lex
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[I]n[S]a[N]i[T]y [C]u[L]t[!]



.::[W]h[a]t [W]e [A]r[e]::.


* We may pick you individually and randomly for some slight testing. Do NOT be alarmed! It is harmless.
* No numbers to the rules therefore no order!
* No one who is SANE may speak/associate/or collaborate with this association.(UNLESS thou wants to become a member of the organization of the Insanity Cult!.)
* We will accept who you are no matter how strange or different or psychotic or unknown you are!

.::[I]n[s]a[n]i[t]y [C]u[l]t[']s [F]r[e]a[k]s[h]o[w]::.

**Dont forget to join it! This is our newest part of the wiki. Made by none other than our great [Mr. Oogie Boogie]. Thank you Jack ^^. This page is a Freakshow. Litterally. Of our very own members during their insane lifes.**

Insanity cult freaks!

Join it NOW!

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [B]a[N]n[E]r[S]::.

[shadows of life]
[Mr. Oogie Boogie]

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [Q]u[O]t[E]s::.

Cry me a river build me a bridge do us all a favor and jump off of it.
A northern fairy tale starts out "once upon a time.."
A southern fairy tale starts out "y'all ain't gon' believe this shit!"
Murphy's Law of Combat:
"Never forget that your weapon was manufactured by the lowest bidder"
SEXY; its not what you wear. its how you take it off
Do you know why there are so many blonde jokes?
Because the brunettes have nothing better
to do while all the blondes are out on dates. 

Even if the voices are not real, they have some good ideas.
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory
I been turning fellas heads since I first started walking
but you just been giving fellas headaches since you first started talking.
The world would have been a lot better if you had just been a stain

Specify that your drive-thru order is to go, it confuses people
I had plenty of pimples as a kid. One day I fell asleep in the library.
When I woke up, a blind man was reading my face.

My imaginary friend thinks you have serious mental problems
When I have a kid, I want to put him in one of those strollers
for twins and then run around the mall looking frantic.

I don't have a girlfriend. But I do know a woman
who'd be mad at me for saying that
I know a lot about cars. I can look at a car's headlights
and tell you exactly which way it's coming.
An escalator can never break. It can only become stairs.
You would never see an "Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order" sign,
just "Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience."

The only reason Santa is so jolly is because
he knows where all the bad girls live.

Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics:
even if you do win, you're still retarded.
Don't spend $2 to dry clean a shirt. donate it to the salvation army instead. They'll clean it & put it on a hanger, Next morning buy it back for 75 cents!
I respect vegetarians and their decisions,
but my thinking is ~ I'm on top of the food chain here,
so if I can get it, I can eat it.
if a cow figures out how to kill me and eat me, more power to him!
Cancel My Subscription, cuz I'm sick of your issues!!
Sex is like spades. If you don't have a good partner u better have a good hand!
The best thing about Alzheimer’s is:
You can hide your own Easter eggs
Birdie, birdie, in the sky, why'd you do that in my eye?
Looks like sugar, tastes like sap. OMG! IT'S BIRDIE CRAP
When they put unknown at the end of a quote,
that means they probably don't no how to spell anonymous
I'm a babe magnet... just the wrong end
Dumb is just not knowing... Ditzy is having the courage to ask

Don't get high on life: cereal hurts when it gets stuck up your nose
If you could read my'd be the 2nd smartest person on earth
I have a hobby. I have the world's largest collection of seashells. I keep it scattered on beaches all over the world. Maybe you've seen some of it.

My girlfriend's weird. One day she asked me,
"If you could know how and when you were going to die,
would you want to know?" I said, "No." She said, "Okay, forget it."

I went for a walk last night and she asked me how
long I was going to be gone. I said, "The whole time."
I got stopped by a cop the other day.
He said, "Why'd you run that stop sign?"
I said, "Because I don't believe everything I read."
When I die, I want to go like my grandfather did, peacefully in his sleep.
Not yelling and screaming like all the passengers in his car.
If you're robbing a bank and you're pants fall down, I think it's okay to laugh and to let the hostages laugh too, because, come on, life is funny

After a year in therapy, my psychiatrist said to me,
'Maybe life isn't for everyone.'

Have you ever noticed? Anybody going slower than you is an idiot,
and anyone going faster than you is a maniac

I'm not into working out. My philosophy: No pain, no pain

I am not a vegetarian because I love animals;
I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.

Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again.
-= Marin County newspaper's TV listing for "The Wizard of Oz" =-

Join the army, meet interesting people, kill them.

Evening news is where they begin with 'Good evening',
and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world
everyday always just exactly fits the newspaper.

You're slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter

'I have always been insane with long intervals of horrible sanity' -Edgar Allan Poe

can't sleep clown will eat me

.::[I]n[S]a[N]e [M]u[C]h[?]!::.



.::i[M]p[O]r[T]a[N]t [I]n[F]o[R]m[A]t[I]o[N]::.
The cult ritual dance is a lot of jumping and clapping!
We also have Insanity Cult Olympics. (Still deciding dates).
If you have any questions feel free to ask Alex, Ben, or Mat.
If you would like to add images please inform one of us and We will take care of it.
ALSO! We will take in any suggestions to make this a better more awesome wiki than it already is going to be.
We will take all that we can get.
If you wana join inform one of us and we will add you!
Thank You!
-The Insane Cult Leaders-
[Lex]     &&     [Spoonmad]


[I be THE MAT!] -Co Owner-


[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co Owner of Insanity cult freaks!


.::o[U]r [R]e[C]r[U]i[T]e[R]s::.

[Lex] -Owner #1- Insanity cult WILL rule all!!!
[Spoonmad] -Owner #2-
[I be THE MAT!] - Co owner [cuz he has a glorious talent of running in circles on the floor and screaming panda] - I was once alone and lost and couldnt find anyone insane enough.......but thnaks to this i can reveal my true self BPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLBPLB
[Mr. Oogie Boogie] - Co owner of Insanity cult Freaks! - [Lex] Awesome Pimp! =]
[shadows of life]
[The Incredible Bulk] - Ah..finally a place i can be myself
[Leaving Forever]
[Supernova.] -streaks-
[DRACE] - raging ball of blue furr

.::m[E]e[T] t[H]e [M]a[S]c[O]t[!]::.
Simon the Ki'y!!!


*Hisss Hisss - Mewwww*

Username (or number or email):


Login problems?

2008-02-17 [Lex]: Thank you! lol. ^^

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Hehehe ^^ *finishes pint* One more please ^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: .... >.> pint? whered that come from?

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Nothin like a good Tetleys, One more please ^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: ......?? i aint givin it!

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Tch, suit yourself then, *goes behind bar and pours self a Tetleys* Ahhhhhhhhh ^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: ...*laughs* mm hmm.. "get your own..." DRINK!

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *begins to drink Tetleys* Ahhhhhhhhhh good stuff ^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: lol youre NUUUTSSS

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Im so not ^^

2008-02-17 [Lex]: lol soooo are! lol

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: NOT! *nudges you*

2008-02-17 [Lex]: *giggles* ARE TOO! *shoves you*

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Ooooooo that does it! *tackles you to groundd*

2008-02-17 [Lex]: *screams* GAH! IM GONA DIEHIHIHI!!! *Closes eyes tight*

2008-02-17 [Lex]: btw jack i added your pics under the "Banners" section... your name under.. i added words to make it a banner soo =]] yay! thanks jackk!

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *gets up* No your not *continues to drink pint*

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O_O? moi?

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ahahah thats ace xD

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *finishes pint* Ahhhhh, i can feel a need for some peanuts *walks to the insainity store to get some peanuts*

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *buys the last pack and runs* mwaahahahaha

2008-02-17 [Empty~Soul]: -rolls eyes-

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *drops jaw* JACK! THOSE ARNT PEANUTS!

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: O_O

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: *grabs the REAL peanuts* These are ^^ *runas away with REAL peanuts*

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: i got pistachios

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Alex says im a pistachio, btw I got a picture for ICF ^^

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ICF?

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: Insanity Cult Freaks n00b

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ... twat >.>

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: OMG WTF!?

2008-02-17 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: xD ahaha

2008-02-17 [I be THE MAT!]: ROFLMAO!

2008-02-18 [Lex]: o.0 damn i love you guys! XD hahaha!! well give jack your pic... and caption... AND yes jack it is ace! lol. gota love it!

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: .< I dont know what we are talking about hehe

2008-02-18 [Lex]: ... you said.. you have a pic.. for ICF...

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: duh

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: Oh yeah XD

I wll send it you jack tonight over MSN ^^

2008-02-18 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ok ^^

2008-02-18 [Lex]: haha gosh mat! lol.

2008-02-18 [I be THE MAT!]: ^^ yaha

2008-02-18 [Lex]: Booga boo!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *sits in a tree FAR AWAY from mat and jack* you guys scare me

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ....indeed! ^^ thats why theyre here!!! yay!! *spins around* KIKI!!! *pounces* teehee

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *squeeks and falls* hii *smiles* hey we need to exchange messenger thingies so we can talk on there ^_^

2008-02-19 [Lex]: YES! MAAM! WEEEE DEFFINATELY DOO! ^^ i missessesss yoooh!! ><

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: i missesssesssss youuuuu tooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

2008-02-19 [Lex]: hows kiki!!?? *still clinged*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *is still clings to* bored and um clinged to

2008-02-19 [Lex]: hehe oh well youre gona have to deal with this... but boredom you shall fix! ^^ *makes moterbooatnoises*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: hehe... we be boating! *keeps on and then bites your neck* mwahaha!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *squeeks* o.0!!!!!!!!!!

2008-02-19 [Lex]: hehe... what? *grins ebily* i just having fuuuun... ^^ teehee...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs and bites your neck* heh

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *gasps and hides* bad bad bad bad bad! >.< oooo

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: hay you bit mine *sticks out tounge*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: .> youre not sensitivveee! *sticks tongue out at you right back*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs* you have no clue hun thats why i can not convince wolfie im innocent >_>

2008-02-19 [Lex]: .> im lost... haha.. you cant convince him because youre NOT sensitive?

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: no i cant convince him that in innocent cause i am sensitive

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ooohhhh... oooh... heh.. hes ebil to me... very VERY ebil >.<

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: lol he bites and licks?

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *nods and shivers* its HORRIBLE!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: lol no kidding >_<

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *whispers* kiiilll and HE isnt even a TAD bit sensitive!!! >.< mother eeffeeerr!!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: its suck i've got to when he pokes me i bite him

2008-02-19 [Lex]: .... lol. pokage haha! yup. ive tried everything in the book.. man that boy... *rolls eyes*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: no laughy not funny! i cant control him! >.< haha.. its crazayyy! haha

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: you cant control that boy he's like wierd

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ... lol. oooooh... but in a good way of course... i think i exceed his weirdness sometimes... have you ever scared yourself... yeah.. ive done it.. then i laugh at myself....... o.0 man those times are freaky.. its like im watching myself outside of my body! hah! *giggles*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs* girl you are the crazyest

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ... *grins* and that is why.. i rule the Insanity cult! hehe.. *looks around* it is ok... he gets meh lol.. SOMETIMES... rawr! *pounces on kiki*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *holds*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: o.0 you hold meh? 0.o hmm... >.> creepy... reminds me of... o.o

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs and lets go and jumps up into a tree and sits down*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *looks up* why tree?! lol.

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: i like the tree *huggles* ish my tree

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *points* TREE HUGGER!!!!! ZOMG

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs* nuh uh *hands upside down from the tree by my knees*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: Yes huh.

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: OREO!!* jumps out of the tree and clings to her*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: xD Hi Kikikiki

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: hiiii!

2008-02-19 [Lex]: oreo where!!!?? *looks around*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *clings to oreo* MINE!

2008-02-19 [Lex]: she isnt no oreo!! i mean youre not double stuffed and chocolateyyy!! >.< not fair!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: she's my oreo

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: You definately realized I was me the entire time ever, yeah?

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: 3 fucking pages of comments?

like hell im reading those xD... catch me up.. what did i miss?

2008-02-19 [Lex]: me and kiki talked with 3 pgs??? no way! O.O and you didnt miss a lot.. it was... very... just Blabermouth stuff lol.

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: NOTHING! lol

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: The world O.o

2008-02-19 [Lex]: i want a nana... >>

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *nods* alot of girl stufffff lol

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *whispers to Asex* you can have the nana in my pants AHHHH!!! EH? *runs aroud with Kikikiki still clinging*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *lets go so you can run around better*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: Uhm.. ok! ill take it!! drop those pants!!! *giggles*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: FREEDOM *runs faster, drops trou.*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *hangs upside down by my knees in the tree again*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: shouldnt you have tripped by now!? *watches her run*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *watches oreo*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ..O_O

2008-02-19 [Lex]: all.. i wanted.. was.... a nana... *sticks bottom lip out*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *runs in circles* nope, I'm not wearing pants LALALALALALA *skips off into the abyssssssssss*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *tilts head* not cool... ;_; ebil people *tear*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *throws a nana at Asex from the abyssss*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: .... il.. just.. be.. over here *nods* *goes and sits in the corner*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *laughs at jack then nana hits me in the face* OW! DAMNIT! WHAT THE FUCK!? omg! were under attack!! *ducks and covers*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *pulls pants back on and leaps onto Jackay, whispers* I'll protect you from the flying projectiles.....

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *shuffles out the way and watches Toxi (il call you that xD) fly right past me and crash into a table*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *stands up and looks back laughing* GOOD ONE! LMAO! *Slips on the nana and hits head as i fall* ooooowww!! *rubs head* why is it always my head!!

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *quickly stands up and brushes off*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you ok dear?

2008-02-19 [Lex]: no! >.< *mumbles profanity*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *punches Jackay* now I am.

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ow.. i guess i deserved that.. now shall we find who is throwing the bananas? Kiki has been silent since it was thrown

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: o.o um yeah i dont wanna know what all happened while i was gone

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: Yes ma'am you did >.<
KIKIKIKIKIKI's doing it >>

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: wait what i do?

2008-02-19 [Lex]: lol. bananas thrown... pouncing missed... slipping... punching... cursing... and yep

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: i didnt throw a damn thing i went to get something to eat so i was not at a computer

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: a-HAH clue number two.. she went for food.. and what got thrown at alex? FOOD

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: i pent for pizza not bananas sorry jack

2008-02-19 [Lex]: .> it was Toxic! *gasp*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *gasp* You are good, Detective Jackloo...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *sits on the bar*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: ^^ i win! yooh looose! *pushes up sleaves and glares at Toxic*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: I didn't do it, I don't do bananananas, I'm...erm...ALLERGIC!!!

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: this is all making sense... Kiki wasnt in it alone.. the one who threw the banana? was ALEX

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *gasps* yeah right! threw the banana at myself! wtf! youre a nut! >.>

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: you did it.. you know it xD

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs* jack your stupid

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *pouts* fine believe as you want... i still am denying the fact that it was me.. cuz it wasnt it was her! *points to Toxic*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: You didn't think we would see through your little act.

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *sighs*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: oh back off miss princess.. >>. dont make me come after you..

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: it wasnt toxic... i know it wasnt D: *hugs her*...she didnt mean it dear

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *sniffles* is okay...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: someone needs her nicatine >_>

2008-02-19 [Lex]: noo.. i just need her to fess up!... *walks up to her* you know you dont want me to do this.. but i will if you dont tell them you did it!

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: .. touch her alex? and il bring kai into this..

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *tilts head then shrugs and makes me a drink*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: >.> you wouldnt dare!

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: I didn't do it.....WAIT! *points to Jack* it was YOUUUU!!! The detective thing was but a cover for your true self!!!!

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *GASP* yeaahhh!! jack! i see how it is!!

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *sips my drink*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *dances* I win, I now condem to to never speak again! *duct tapes Jack's mouth*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: hmm

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *throws a banana at alex*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *rolls eyes and sips my vodka and sunkist*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *gasps* WHY!!! WHY ME!!??

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *get banana and throws it a jack*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: garg garggfe garr..... *sighs then points to duck tape*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *quickly puts more duct tape on*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: oreo can we take off the duct tape?

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *laughs* ooooo wow.. what!? *walks up and removes it quickly*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *wince* ooo that had to hurt

2008-02-19 [Lex]: *grins* sowwy.. and ill.. be... right back.. heh.. *looks scared and runs*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *rolls eyes and sips drink*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: NO!!!! *puts more duct tape on* it's his punishment! *srambles up a tree*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *folds my arms*... hmph

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: oreo its wierd not having him ramble on in his a.d.d way give him another punishment

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *glares at kiki*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *smirks* oh come one jack you cant honestly tell me that you dont have a.d.d

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: graffle flargme phglt

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: No, this'll teach him *whistles*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *tackels oreo*

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: OW *falls out of the tree*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *cheers behind the ducktape*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *licks oreos cheek* now if you make him do something else as punishment i'll make you cookies

2008-02-19 [Supernova.]: *flips off jack*
I must go now, leave the duct tape on or else...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *smirks* ok we will

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *bobs along to music*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *waits for oreo to leave*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *starts talking to kiki using my mind*

how will we know when she is gone?

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *shrugs*

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: she's gone its been 10 minutes and no movement on her account

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *walks over and takes off the duct tape with out hurting you*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *breathes*

thank you

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: welcome *walks back over to the bar and gets my drink and sips it*

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: *stays sat down*...

what do you mean by a.d.d aswel?

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: a.d.d isnt a bad thing i have a slight case of it

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: but i dont know what it is...

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: a.d.d or attention deficit disorder is A disorder characterized by a difficulty in retaining focus, especially on tasks, for long periods of time

2008-02-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: A.d.d, im kind of slow..what is A.d.d?

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: ah yes xD

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: its where you cant pay attention to anything and you have a strange facination with shiney things or colorful things

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: thats us xD

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *nods*

2008-02-19 [The Incredible Bulk]: Erm..thats me ..i cant pay attention for more than 6 minutes, and i LOVE shiney things..and uuber light neon colours

2008-02-19 [Empty~Soul]: *laughs*

2008-02-19 [Lex]: omg.... omg... omg... >> soo much! >.<

2008-02-19 [Mr. Oogie Boogie]: now you know how it feels

2008-02-19 [I be THE MAT!]: Heh, i see.

2008-02-19 [Lex]: haha shhh!!! gah!

2008-02-20 [Empty~Soul]: o.o?

2008-02-20 [Lex]: ... what? haha

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